See? Wasn't that exciting?
No, it wasn't.
So, I'm going to write about liquor. Which at least seems more exciting to me. And that's what counts.
Last week at TJ's, I bought some Meyer Lemons.
If you've never had them, Meyer Lemons are great because they are sweeter and less acidic than regular lemons. The only catch is that they have a very specific ripe season, and it's right now. Good luck finding them during the summer--believe me, I've tried. [I've recently found out they are good as container plants. This makes me want my own mini-lemon tree.]
Anyway, I bought said lemons, but in all the blood orange craziness I kind of forgot about them.
So, last night I made a Meyer Lemon Martini. mmmmm...
I used the recipe above, so I made 4 oz. of simple syrup and added the zest of 2 lemons. So, the drink is basically a couple oz. of the lemon-scented syrup, a couple oz. of lemon juice, and a couple oz. of vodka.
I think this should be added to the Bible:
On the sixth day, God made Meyer Lemons. The people made martinis from them. And it was good.
Since I have a 1 martini/evening limit (except for when the girls come over, then all bets are off), I could not try it with the basil vodka. That, my friends, is slated for tonight.
Aha! I always wondered when they were in season, but never bothered to google it myself. Sounds awesome. I live vicariously through your liquordom. Thanks! :) And that Apollo sh*t is whack.
Thanks, Shaz. It was whack. He is known as the god of the sun after about the 5th c. and it was the Greeks who conflated him with Helios.
This is why I don't write about my diss. :)
There are few things that are more interesting than liquor, but I have to say that Apollo bit was intriguing! Maybe I'll discover that Leonard Bernstein was neither gay nor Jewish---ok, probably not.
I love Meyer lemons and I want one of those martinis right now! Do you deliver????
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